That’s cooked: Jeremy Allen Whitebread

  • A pinch of cheating rumours  

  • A bucket of ugly hot. This can be substituted for a shot of Calvin Klein singlets 

  • A cup of hair extensions in The Iron Claw  

  • A spoonful of short king charisma 

  • ⅓ cup of Gene Wilder similarities  

  • A teaspoon of leaving thirst comments on random hot girls’ Instagram  

  • 3ml (about 0.1 oz) of White Boy of the Month™  

  • ½ tablespoon of red-faced shouting 

  • A cup of “Yes Chef”  

  • A cup of Shameless Lip Gallagher’s awkward sexiness 

Jeremy Allen White is a 33-year-old American actor. He has starred in hit shows like Shameless and The Bear. He is known for his recent Calvin Klein campaign, leading him to secure the white boy of the month praise. 


Epic O-Week despite “practically zero budget” 


Ramming with Fergus: Food kink