Students nationwide demand universities cut ties with Israel  

University students across the country will be protesting the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza today.

In a joint media statement, students demanded that universities “Declare and recognise Palestine as an independent and sovereign state.” 

As well as “Disclose and divest all partnerships with Israel.” 

Their final demand was for universities to “Denounce anti-semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of discrimination.” 

Wellington Massey students will be joining the Victoria University protest at 12pm at the Tim Beaglehole courtyard.

Manawatū Massey students will be protesting on the concourse at 1pm.

Massive asked Massey University if it was willing to meet students demands.

A spokesperson said, “As is appropriate for a university, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University has not taken a single position on this issue.” 

They said Massey University respects the right of students to peacefully protest.  

However, “We are mindful of ensuring that our workplace and place of learning and research is safe for everyone. 

“We ask that all students, regardless of their views, respect the opinions and choices of their peers. 

“We are of course saddened to see the violence and loss of human life.” 

The collective students statement said, “We refuse to be silent or complicit in genocide, and we reject all forms of cooperation between our institutions and the Israeli state.” 

“We call on our universities to take all steps to meet our demands and to abide by the guidelines of the movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.” 

“The universities of Aotearoa must recognize these acts for what they are: a gross violation of human rights and an affront to the very essence of humanity.” 





Students nationally “Stand Against Genocide” at protest for Palestine 


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